Frequently Asked Questions

What is your minimum class size?

There is no minimum size, 12 people max at this time

Are there age requirements for CPR?

The AHA does not mandate a minimum age, the ability to perform CPR is based more on strength than age.

What if I can't afford a class right now?

Please never let your financial situation be a determining factor, contact us today so we can work out the best solution.

What if I'm only available at nights or the weekend!

No problem, we strive to be the most flexible let us know your availability and we will schedule a time that fits your needs..

What if I have a disability or limited physical ability.

Together we can work to determine if we can adapt skills, even if a certification can't be obtained we would be happy to run through skills and education.

Will you offer community classes?

Yes, part of our goals are to collaborate with local business and key establishments.

Where can I find out the latest information?

Follow us on facebook for the most current updates.

Why should I take a class?

No one plans to have an emergency and yet the happen all the time. A vast majority of the time it doesn't happen in a medical setting. That's why training is imperative for everyone to know how to respond when emergencies arise.

You will really come to my house or business?

Yes, our goals is to make this training the most convenient and comfortable to suit individual needs

How far is too far?

While we will travel within 25 miles of Fulton, NY for free we are committed to serve any individual who wants training. Contact us today for an individualize pricing plan.